News 2019

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News 2019

#News 2019| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

Twitter Facebook LinkedIn Email EN FR Xavier Cadoret: "Regionalisation in Morocco marks an important step towards decentralisation". South-Med 21 December 2019 Agadir, Morocco

"Through the transfer of competences and resources to the regional and local levels, decentralisation brings public action back to the level that is closest to citizens," said Congress Vice-President Xavier Cadoret (France, SOC/G/PD) at the National Seminar on Advanced Regionalisation in Agadir,...

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Twitter Facebook LinkedIn Email EN FR CALL FOR APPLICATIONS: local experts to provide consultancy and expert support to Ukrainian municipalities implementing local initiatives on ethical, innovative and inclusive policies and practices Co-operation 20 December 2019 Strasbourg, France

Within the project “Strengthening democracy and building trust at local level in Ukraine”, the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities of the Council of Europe is launching a call to local experts for consultancy and expert support to selected Ukrainian municipalities implementing local...

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Twitter Facebook LinkedIn Email EN FR Anders Knape: “2020 to focus on political dialogue to deepen local and regional democracy” Presidency 19 December 2019 Strasbourg, France

“The year 2019 ends with a number of Congress achievements in favour of local and regional democracy in our 47 member states of which we can be rightly proud,” stated Congress President in a message sent to Congress members on 19 December 2019. “I am thinking in particular of the monitoring of...

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Twitter Facebook LinkedIn Email EN FR Turkey: Statement by the President of the Congress following the arrest of the Mayor of Urla District Presidency 18 December 2019 Strasbourg, France

The President of the Congress made the following statement: "The mayor of Urla district in Izmir District, Burak Oğuz, was elected following the expression of the will of the Turkish people in the local elections of 31 March 2019, which were observed by the Congress. His arrest yesterday by the...

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Twitter Facebook LinkedIn Email EN FR Harald Bergmann : « Les villes et les régions, en première ligne pour garantir l’accueil et les droits des migrants » SDGs 18 December 2019 Strasbourg, France

"If migration policies are decided at European or national level, on the ground, it is cities and regions that are in the front line to welcome migrants and guarantee their rights," said Harald Bergmann (Netherlands, ILDG), spokesperson for the Congress on Human Rights, on the occasion of...

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Twitter Facebook LinkedIn Email EN FR Best wishes from the Congress 18 December 2019 Strasbourg, France

This year, the Congress greetings card highlights the role of cities and regions in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations Agenda 2030. Within the Council of Europe, the approach of the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities is based on three key principles:...

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Twitter Facebook LinkedIn Email EN FR The Association of Ukrainian Cities’ new strategy to better defend the interests of the communities Co-operation 11 December 2019 Kyiv, Ukraine

“The Association of Ukrainian Cities should base its advocacy before national authorities on a participatory process and by developing strong internal structures and consensual strategic approaches with its members”, stressed Andreas Kiefer, Secretary General of the Congress, on the occasion of...

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Twitter Facebook LinkedIn Email EN FR Fostering effective dialogue between national, regional and local authorities in Ukraine Co-operation 12 December 2019 Kyiv, Ukraine

During the meeting of the Community of practice on local democracy in Ukraine held in Kyiv on 12 December 2019, Andreas Kiefer, Secretary General of the Congress underlined the vital contribution that national associations of local and regional authorities can make representing local interests in...

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Twitter Facebook LinkedIn Email EN FR 13 municipalities to implement ethical, innovative and inclusive policies and practices at local level in Ukraine Co-operation 12 December 2019 Kyiv, Ukraine

The Congress has signed joint agreements with 13 Ukrainian local authorities on 12 December 2019 to implement local initiatives on ethical, transparent and participatory decision-making; engagement of under-represented groups; and equal opportunities for women and men to participate in local...

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Twitter Facebook LinkedIn Email EN FR Gudrun Mösler-Törnström: “Making gender equality a reality at local level is about ensuring democratic sustainability” Co-operation 10 December 2019 Kyiv, Ukraine

“Gender equality is at the very heart of human rights and the Council of Europe values, and, in this regard, local and regional authorities have a key role to play,” stated Gudrun Mosler-Törnström (Austria, SOC/G/PD) at the Third Ukrainian Women’s Congress on 10 December 2019 in Kyiv, Ukraine....

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Twitter Facebook LinkedIn Email EN FR President of the Congress: The quadrilogue of the North-South Centre makes it possible to bring the voice of local and regional authorities to all levels of governance Presidency 10 December 2019 Strasbourg, France

“During the 30 years of its existence, the Centre has become an indispensable platform of dialogue for the members of the quadrilogue on both sides of the Mediterranean,” declared Congress President Anders Knape in a communication that was addressed to the participants of a conference organised...

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Twitter Facebook LinkedIn Email EN FR Human Rights Day: "Raising awareness among local and regional elected officials to ensure their implementation in the territories" Presidency 10 December 2019 Strasbourg, France

"Good local and regional governance cannot exist without full respect for fundamental freedoms and human rights," said the Congress President on Human Rights Day, 10 December 2019. "The elected representatives of local and regional authorities are the guarantors of these rights for citizens, with...

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Twitter Facebook LinkedIn Email EN FR Congress Secretary General meets the Minister for local government and transport of Iceland Political dialogue 10 December 2019 Strasbourg, France

“Local authorities in Iceland contribute around 60 % of the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals of Iceland as a whole. Therefore, the Icelandic government wants to strengthen the capacity of the municipalities to be able to deliver”, Mr Sigurður Ingi Jóhannsson, Minister for local...

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Twitter Facebook LinkedIn Email EN FR Congress Secretary General Andreas KIEFER speaks to the CDDG 9 December 2019 Strasbourg, France

“Dialogue with the main Council of Europe institutions is an essential part of our work”, declared Andreas KIEFER in his exchange of views with the Council of Europe’s European Committee on Democracy and Governance (CDDG) on 9 December 2019, in Strasbourg. Mr Kiefer drew attention to the recent...

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Twitter Facebook LinkedIn Email EN FR Congress made a monitoring visit to Austria Monitoring Committee 10-12 December 2019 Austria

A Congress delegation carried out a monitoring visit to Austria from 10 to 12 December 2019, in order to assess the implementation of the provisions of the European Charter of Local Self-Government, which the country ratified in 1987. On the first day of the visit, Congress co-rapporteurs Marc...

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Twitter Facebook LinkedIn Email EN FR Bryony Rudkin: “Involving citizens to restore confidence in institutions” ELDW 6 December 2019 Brussels, Belgium

“To overcome the crisis of confidence in democratic institutions, it is essential for citizens to be able to participate in decision-making at the local level,” stated Bryony Rudkin (United Kingdom, SOC/G/PD) at the closing conference of the European Local Democracy Week (ELDW) organised by...

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Twitter Facebook LinkedIn Email EN FR Congress fact-finding visit to Latvia Monitoring Committee 4 December 2019 Republic of Latvia

A delegation of the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities carried out a fact-finding visit to the Republic of Latvia on 4 December 2019. The visit was organised following a complaint from the Latvian Association of Local and Regional Governments (LALRG) concerning the ongoing territorial...

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Twitter Facebook LinkedIn Email EN FR Call for applications: local and international experts to provide consultancy and support to Ukrainian municipalities Cooperation 29 November 2019 Strasbourg

Within the project “Strengthening democracy and building trust at local level in Ukraine”, the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities of the Council of Europe is launching a call to international and local experts for consultancy and expert support to selected Ukrainian municipalities...

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Twitter Facebook LinkedIn Email EN FR Congress’ Contribution to the Georgian Chairmanship of the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe Chairmanship of the Committee of Ministers 27 November 2019 Strasbourg

The Chairmanship of the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe was transferred from France to Georgia during a meeting held in Strasbourg, the Organisation's headquarters, on 27 November 2019, in the presence of representatives of its 47 member States, and attended by Gunn-Marit...

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Twitter Facebook LinkedIn Email EN FR Georgia ratifies the Additional Protocol to the European Charter of Local Self-Government on the right to participate in the affairs of a local authority Post-monitoring 27 November 2019 Strasbourg, France

“The Congress welcomes the ratification by the Georgian authorities of the Additional Protocol to the European Charter of Local Self-Government on the right to participate in the affairs of a local authority”, said Mrs. Gunn-Marit Helgesen, First Vice-President of the Congress, on 27 November...

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